Saturday 24 December 2011

On the Twelfth Post of Christmas I'm Pleased to Share with Thee...

...Twelve Baubles Bobbing...

It's the last day before Christmas and the final verse of the song. For me back home it's the beginning of an entire week of gifts, friends, family and food, all washed down with a glass of sparkling wine or two. I feel blessed to be surrounded by the people I love, although that's just the tip of the iceberg, really. It may be more of a Thanksgiving Day tradition, but I'd like to take this opportunity to wrap up the Twelve Posts of Christmas with twelve things that I am thankful for. As a visual aid, and to make the post more Christmas-y, I will do this with the help of my Christmas tree ornaments. Here goes...

#1 - Friends
The official ornament of the White House was given to me by an American friend last year.
True friendships can withstand any distance, something I am starting to truly 
appreciate while living so far Up North.

#2 - Art
This lovely bluebird was handcrafted by a Canadian potter.
It's difficult to imagine a world without music, books, colour and more; 
we are all indebted to artists past and present.

#3 - Children
The little child-like elf was purchased in Helsinki, Finland.
Kids have a unique and fresh perspective on life that adults need a dose of every so often.

 #4 - Travel
The Christmas bell journeyed all the way from Indonesia to my tree.
Travel is a luxury that I have enjoyed for many years now, and my experiences in South America, Europe and the Middle East have helped to shape who I am, just like my future travels around Northern Canada will help me to see new perspectives.

#5 - Family
The Nutcracker is was a gift from a friend. 
The soldier always reminds me of the time I took my little niece to see The Nutcracker Ballet in Toronto; it was a magical evening, until I locked my keys in the car. 
It was quite chilly, though she, being family, had to forgive me.

#6 - The Christmas Feeling
The angel and pinecone are straw ornaments from Switzerland.
During Christmas people are more likely to make an extra effort to get together, smile, sing, send cards and help others. I wish it would last all year long.

 #7 - Home
The wooden ornament was purchased in Germany. 
Thanks to the recent news stories about Attawapiskat, Ontario, we are reminded that 
not all Canadians have a place to call home. 

#8 - Nature
The vintage tree was also gifted by a friend.
My favourite thing about living so far North is being surrounded by such 
beautiful and relatively untouched natural landscapes.

#9 - Spirituality
The angel topping the tree was a gift from my Mother.
Whether it's a belief in God, Allah, Karma or simply the goodness in people, 
it is a special thing to have faith in an entity other than yourself.

 #10 - Culture
The glass ornaments were purchased in Ontario.
My North American winter culture includes snowmen and Santa, while people in 
different parts of the world experience winter in a whole different way. 

#11 - Food
The gingerbread man was made by my niece and nephew from applesauce and cinnamon.
I appreciate a nice meal, but mostly I enjoy the fact that I eat three meals a day. There are so many people on this planet (including in my own small Northern Town) who do not. 

#12 - Change
This homemade ornament features tiny pinecones from a tree in Northern Saskatchewan.
So far I have enjoyed the opportunity to experience a different way of life in a new setting, and I'm sure you will hear about many more adventures as the New Year begins.

Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

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